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"HIA strives to be a catalyst for positive change, promoting the values of collaboration, trust, and social cohesion in the pursuit of a better and more inclusive Singapore."

- Rev. Ezekiel Tan
   7 Dec 2023

President’s Message

Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA) was established in 2018 as an aggregator of charity services contributing to the well-being of different community segments in Singapore. We strongly believe that collaboration between various partners will help us achieve two important objectives for our nation-building. Firstly, when we work with different types of organisations and individuals experienced in our work, we can serve more people who need social welfare assistance. Secondly,  we develop trust and improve social cohesion by working together.


The unique position of HIA as a charity organisation that works with the public,  people and private sector partners has enabled our growth within five years.  We worked closely with the government, religious organisations, social welfare groups, grassroots organisations and corporations to improve the lives of more than 20,000 people annually in Singapore, including locals and migrant workers. This year, we aim to extend our reach and strengthen our social impact. Beyond the direct charitable services, we will also focus on advocacy that raises awareness on issues concerning our beneficiaries. We will also promote interfaith charity and corporate volunteerism to scale charity work.


Our sustained growth for social good is only possible with the support of our donors, partners and volunteers. All donations go towards performing charity services and maintaining healthy operations that achieve the abovementioned goals. Any contribution, big or small, helps us to make Singapore a better place for everyone.


On behalf of HIA's Board Members and Interfaith Charity Advisory Council, I request you to be part of our Together in Improving Lives Mission.

Hope Initiative Alliance
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